Dr Michael Clarke MB BS FRANZCP
| Dr Michael Clarke | Suite 309 147 Pirie Street Adelaide SA 5000 | T: 08 8310 0116 | F: 08 8232 2728 |
Arranging an IME
Dr Clarke conducts regular IME's for a number of organisations including
Employers Mutual, self insured employers, legal firms, insurance companies
and professional authorities. Dr Clarke strives to provide fair, balanced and
easily understood reports addressing the needs of the referring party.
Representatives can make bookings for an IME by contacting Dr Clarke by
email, telephone or using the form below. The name of the person to be
assessed as well as the contact details of who is requesting the report is
required at the time of booking. A written request and any file material to be
considered need to be provided at least one working day prior to the
scheduled examination.
Fees and payment terms are available on request.